IoT-driven digital transformation is a challenging initiative, but we know how to approach it. We leverage our extensive experience in cloud application design and development, cloud infrastructure administration and maintenance, remote monitoring and control, data analytics and information security, etc., to help you address the most acute Internet of Things (IoT) project challenges, including:

  • Lack of in-house competencies in IoT

One of the major challenges for IoT architects and developers is the lack of standardization, which stems from non-unified cloud services, lack of uniform communication protocols, absence of standards for authentication, and diversities in IoT devices’ firmware and operating systems. We are ready to share our extensive experience to help you mitigate the pitfalls of IoT projects.

  • Insufficient teamwork

Successful IoT project requires close coordination and collaboration among the number of internal and external parties. Orange Analytics IoT consultants, developers and designers will do their best to facilitate collaboration among the project stakeholders.

  • The need for constant evolution after deployment

Since your business strategy may evolve, an IoT solution should be able to adapt to the new objectives. In our approach to IoT architecture, we emphasize flexibility and the ability to scale. We make sure that your IoT solution not only meets the requirements of your current use case but serves as a basis for future projects as well.


Internet of Things (IoT) Solutions & Areas

Connected Products

We re-think the roles of smart devices and enrich their traditional functionality. By offering extended IoT-driven monitoring and controlling capabilities, we provide businesses with the ability to:

  • Optimize device functioning and use: check device productivity, add new features and integrate these features into everyday operations, analyze which features are actively used and need further development and investments and which components are not popular among customers and can be removed.
  • Create new revenue models: check how connected things are used by customers to offer better cooperation options, for example, user-based pricing.
  • Develop best-of-breed products: apply insights leveraged with big data analytics to drive business benefits in research and development.


Smart Maintenance

Our IoT solutions provide major improvements in predictive maintenance and service productivity and allow businesses to:


Smart Cities, Smart Utilities

With wide experience across multiple domains, we equip power plants, transportation systems, environment management organizations, water and electricity grids, schools, libraries, hospitals, and shopping malls, entertainment facilities and other amenities with specialized smart solutions to deliver visible improvements, such as:


Industrial IoT

We re-think the concept of a traditional factory and deliver IoT solutions tailored to serve the needs of your industry. With our industrial solutions, businesses get the ability to:


Smart Supply Chain Management

We provide our customers with more than just logistics and transportation automation. With effective planning, optimal use of intelligent transportation channels, the faster and better-controlled flow of goods, smart delivery and warehousing conditions control (temperature, humidity, vibration and other factors critical for cargo), manufacturers, trucking companies and other business players get profitable results in terms of time and quality. Our IoT solutions ensure better connectivity between manufacturers and retailers and drive cost-effectiveness and transparency through optimized supply chain processes, warehousing and traffic management.


Connected Health

We deliver innovative IoT solutions to digitally connect patients to healthcare providers and lessen the burden of the latter by digitizing the approach to giving healthcare services. Here are just a couple of examples of how we streamline traditional healthcare with IoT: